
To my little love...

You are going to be four months old next week! You change so much every week that I have a hard time keeping up with all the cute, new things you do. You look so much like your daddy now, even more as every day goes by... Its so cute. I even think that maybe you are a daddy's girl. When he gets in from work, you give him the biggest smile and laugh at every little thing he does. I guess you get tired of seeing me ALL day long, huh? I would to!

You are such a good baby, you sleep all night long and have done so since you were about 2 months old. You reach new milestones every day. Today, I thought you were going to roll over, but you didnt quite do it. I bet by the end of the week you will though. :) Just this week, you have learned to grab those little chunky legs and hold onto them. The doctor said he thought you were a smart little thing, and I believe he's right.

Right now you LOVE being rocked to sleep, we may have spoiled you a little... Sometimes you will go to sleep on your own, but thats rare. As I am writing this, your daddy is rocking you. :)

Olivia, you have so many people around you that love you so much! You have the best Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles! You are one special little girl to all of us, we love you so much.

I love you,

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