
Sweet Summertime

Olivia taking her first dip in her pool.

Her tutu bathing suit.

Olivia is such an easy-going baby its hard to tell if she actually liked swimming, she just doesn't care one way or another I think. When we first sat her in it she propped her arms back on the sides of her pool like she was pimped out in a hot tub or something.

She turns 7 months tomorrow. SEVEN. Holy moly...Time really does fly with little ones. The first year is probably going to be a blur that's why I try to blog everything here. And I also keep a little file on my computer titled "Olivia's Moments" just to make sure I keep track of all her firsts. It is backed up on a memory card...can you imagine the horror if my computer crashed and it wasn't backed up? Woo. I am just not one for keeping a baby book. Maybe one day I will. But I did make a really cute scrapbook that I will continue to add to.

So, this summer we have not done a whole lot. I keep myself busy with crafts and doing cleaning, laundry, organizing and shopping. I am not a high maintenance kind of girl, so by shopping I mostly mean grocery shopping. It is much less stressful for me if I live a minimalist lifestyle rather than having a bunch of things.

We do have a vacation coming up in November to Disney. Super excited to take Olivia back there and go to the Magic Kingdom with her, I know there will be some tears when I see her face light up at the fireworks and all the cool stuff there. Its something I have always looked forward to- taking my baby to Disney World.

Well thats all thats going on in our house. I am hosting a party next week for my niece, I will post some pictures on that when its decorated. I handmade all of the decorations. ALL of them. And I am doing so with Olivia's birthday too. :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha, pimped out in a hot tub!!

    She's such a little cutie.
